it'll hit us hard.
In this period of quarantine and self-isolation, we'll experience loneliness like we've never experienced before. We'll lack a part of ourselves because a lot of our identity has been put into community; when we start to miss community, we start to miss parts of ourselves.
press on.
Nonetheless, let's press on. Let's use this time to be better versions of ourselves for after the storm clears. Let's explore old hobbies–– take out that dusty violin, pry open the cover top of the piano downstairs, and shake the cobwebs off old ping-pong paddles. Let's secure flour from the grocery store and, after too many baking videos, try our hands at something delicious. Let's reconnect with family members, those that are close to us now who have always seemed so distant. Let's learn something new. Let's read more books and listen to more music than ever before. Let's press on.
zoom zoom.
Don't be afraid to hit up old friends. With the convenience of zoom, skype, google hangouts, and facetime, the heart we've given to community can still be there. Catch up on life once in a while, mutually complain about school and exams, or discuss great shows on Netflix.
we're here, too.
Reach out to us, even, on our Instagram (@achoointernational), or use our contact page. We're here to talk about anything, too, from entrepreneurship, fashion trends, Kdrama recs, and everything in between.
More updates to come.
-achoo international
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